Thursday, October 14, 2004

Paying the Price for Prior PLaziness (PPPP)
Why on earth am I still awake at 4 am in the morning doing lab report? Desperately trying to email myself the lab reports so that I can print them in school tmr that's what! But funny pictures help to pass the time, this (scroll down) is the senior I found exceedingly funny at science camp. Not hard to see why! Hmmm, don't know how I'm gonna hand in my essay, due about 4 hours ago, and finish my bible study for cell group tommorrow on top of this. Why am I so awake and alert and productive only at weird hours like this but so freaking sleepy during lectures? Why do I keep putting off work until after the 11th hour (the 4th hour, of the next day, to be precise)? Why must I keep PPPP and stay stuck in this vicious cycle forever?!?!?!
Because I am becky. Irresponsible, messy, forgetful and perpetually sleepy. Bah, I HATE myself on days like these.


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